Sunday, June 30, 2024

Someone's in the Attic, by Andrea Mara

 Andrea Mara works in the eerie space between the ordinary and the creepy. In Someone's in the Attic, these two realms intertwine, sometimes in alternation sometimes all at once. The ordinary life of a family recently returned to Dublin after abandoning a life in California,  is fraught with reestablishing old friendships (a frequently funny, sometimes suspenseful part of the narrative) plus a series of TikTok videos showing their house being invaded through an attic hatch by a stranger dressed like a ninja. We the reader know more about the threat this figure poses than the characters do, but they are pretty freaked out themselves. At some points, as a reader I wanted the creepy part of the story to progress a little faster, but the ordinary life of the family is also entertaining: So I would highly recommend this not-quite-a-horror story and social comedy.

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